We Do Windows
Regardless of the version! In any configuration. Because we know how.
Our Microsoft Certified Professionals have been installing operating systems on desktops and servers since *before* windows meant anything other than a way to keep an eye on the yard.. .
You *may* be interested to know that we Deploy, Service and Support and Train people to get the most out of *all* versions of Windows in the Home, Home office, Small Office, Remote Office, Virtual Office, and even Manufacturing facilities across Canada.
We manage the life cycle of your hardware, software, and network, from small to not so small. With Intellicore Remote Management services, we see the problems that can affect your productivity, often before you do. We take steps to keep your I.T. Assets up and going. Guaranteed.
To have us in, so you can see what we can do to help you get back to your business, call us or fill out a contact request. We will see you soon!